Walden is a Planned Development Community, and a DEED Restricted Community comprised of condominiums and single-family homes. There are 17 individual condominium associations, each of which maintains its own area. There is also a homeowner’s area which consists of 89 single family homes in which each owner maintains their own property. The Walden Association declaration, by-laws and architectural standards influence all Trustee and Committee decisions and general guidelines for the entire community.

    The Walden Association is comprised of Volunteer Trustees from the community who are elected or appointed by each association to represent them and to manage the affairs of the Walden Association. The Walden Association is a legally recorded entity, and all residents are members and must follow the guidelines of the HOA. The purpose of the association is to maintain, enhance and protect the common areas and interests of the community

    When you buy property in Walden you do not automatically become a member of the Walden Golf and Tennis Club. Many Walden residents are Club members and information on the various membership levels are available from Club Membership Sales at 330-995-3104.

    The basic document which created Walden is the Master Warranty Deed and Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions, which is recorded in Portage County records in Ravenna, OH. This provides that Walden is strictly a residential community – no profession or home industry may be conducted in Walden.


    The Walden Association is managed by its Board of Trustees, which consists of a representative from each condominium association, a representative from the Homeowners Association, and up to three trustees elected from residents at-large. Officers are elected by the Trustees from their ranks, except that the Secretary and Treasurer may be nonresidents.Mailing, accounting and general clerical support services are provided by:
    Carlyle Management Company
    23945 Mercantile Road
    Suite B
    Beachwood, OH 44122
    216 464 7465The finances of the Walden Association are managed by its Treasurer, under the direction of the Board of Trustees. All Walden owners pay a fee, currently $250 per half year, to fund the activities of the Association. Condominium owners pay, in addition, monthly maintenance fees to their condominium association.The Annual Meeting of the Walden Association is held on the second Tuesday of May.


    The fifteen condominium associations in Walden are nonprofit corporations organized under Ohio Revised Code Section 5311. Each is independently governed by its own Declaration of Condominium Ownership and By-laws, which are recorded in the property records of Portage County in Ravenna, OH. The associations in Walden vary in size from one unit (Briarwood) to 57 units (Gardens).

    The Walden Association is a Security Patrolled Community. Additionally, security cameras installed by Media 144 Security Solutions are located at all entrances and provides additional security for Walden residents.

    All emergencies and safety related issues should be referred to the City of Aurora by calling 911.

    Royce U>S> Protective Service
    Patrol Car Number: 440 785 1022


    Speed limits are posted on most streets in Walden. Generally, the speed limit is 15 mph on side streets within condominium associations, 20 mph on private streets such as Ridge Way, Ravines Drive and Deer Island Drive, and 25 mph on city streets such as Walden Drive.Parking and/or driving is not allowed on any grass or grass-seeded area, except when streets are being repaved or repaired.

    No overnight parking in Walden is permitted of any vehicle over ¾ ton capacity or of any vehicle licensed, painted, signed, or equipped for commercial purposes, or of motor homes, boats, trailers of all kinds, or recreational vehicles.

    Disabled, inoperable or abandoned vehicles may not be left on the property for more than 48 hours, and all vehicles parked on the property must have current license tags. Any vehicle found in violation of these guidelines may be towed and stored at the owner’s expense.

    Vehicle repairs shall be limited to the owner’s garage or in the driveway in front of the garage for no more than twenty-four hours. Absolutely no fluids may be drained on driveways or common areas.

    In condominium association common areas, visitor parking spaces are not intended for everyday use by residents, but it is understood that they may be used by visiting family members.


    For more information about Club Walden Membership please click here

    Dogs, cats and other household pets may be kept in Walden, subject to the ordinances of the City of Aurora requiring that they not be allowed to run at large, and that owners are responsible for immediate cleanup and disposal of pet waste.Fences to restrain pets, both visible and invisible, require the approval of the Walden Architectural Committee.

    Feeding of wildlife, particularly deer and geese, is discouraged by wildlife experts, as it attracts and encourages nuisance behavior by these animals. Please help us maintain the beauty of Walden by not encouraging damage to our foliage by wildlife.


    The city of Aurora contracts with a private hauler for rubbish collection. Individual owner’s contract with the hauler, currently Rumpke (800-828-8171) and pay for the type of service desired. Recyclables are collected by Portage County. Currently, both are collected in Walden on Mondays. If Monday is a holiday, collection will be on Tuesday. Generally speaking, if an Owner opts for “Super Service”, anything placed at the curb will be collected.Materials to be collected may be placed at the curb in the evening prior to collection. Rubbish containers should be removed within 12 hours of collection.

    If you are disabled, and are unable to move your trash to the curb, call the City of Aurora Service Department at 330-995-9116, and request that the trash collector pick trash up at your garage door.

    Except on the day of collection, rubbish, garbage and other items to be disposed of must be stored in such a manner that it is not visible from the street, other property, or common areas.


    Under the provisions of the Master Warranty Deed and Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions of the Walden Association, all changes to property in Walden must be approved by the Walden Architectural Committee. Specifically, any alteration which materially changes the exterior appearance of any existing structure, or it’s landscaping, or commences any new use on any Lot, requires such approval. Replacements in kind, or repairs with like materials, do not require Committee approval.Applications for the review and approval of changes to a condominium unit or house in Walden are available from the Chairman of the Architectural Committee or the office of the Walden Golf and Tennis Club located in the lower level office of the Clubhouse. Applications may also be downloaded from the Association’s Web site, www.waldenofaurora.com.

    Applications from condominium owners must be approved by the Board of Managers of the appropriate condominium Association before they will be considered by the Architectural Committee. Homeowners submit applications directly to the Committee.

    The Walden Architectural Standards, as revised from time to time, and a download able application, are available on line on the web site of the Walden Association, www.waldenofaurora.com.


    A walking path has been constructed along Walden Drive from Brandon Circle, on the south, to Ravines Drive on the north. This path is for pedestrian traffic only. Roller blades or skates, skateboards, bicycles, scooters and golf carts are not allowed to use this pathway.

    Personal property sales are allowed in Walden when an owner or spouse dies or an owner moves out of Walden. The Walden Association has adopted a policy covering such sales, which may be obtained from one of the property management companies that manage property in Walden. Briefly, these sales are limited to two or three days, require 30 days prior approval of the condominium association, and must be managed to avoid problems with parking and access for emergency vehicles. Security must be contact to assist is managing traffic at the expense of the individual conducting the estate sale and any and all repair of related landscape damage is the responsibility of the individual conducting the estate sale.

    Garages should be used as primary parking space, and garage doors should be kept closed to assure security of the residence, and maintain a neat appearance in the neighborhood. Since residents are often unaware that their garage doors are open, Walden Security will inform residents by telephone of open doors when discovered during patrol in hours of darkness.

    No boat or vessel of any kind may be operated on any lake or pond in Walden, except with the written approval of the property owner. The lakes and ponds in Walden are private property. Due to trespassing, safety and liability issues, Fishing is Not Permitted.

    The Master Deed Covenants covering property in Walden prohibit signs and advertising devices of any nature, except real estate “For Sale” signs not in excess of eight square feet in area. Some condominium associations may have more specific restrictions. “Open House” signs, not to exceed eight square feet in area, may be placed on streets in Walden and in front of a unit by the owner or his realtor on the day of an open house. Open houses may be held only on Saturdays, Sundays or Tuesdays. The signs must be professionally printed; no homemade signs are permitted. Signs must be removed no later than one hour after the close of the open house hours.


    The use of golf carts by children in Walden is a safety concern of all Walden residents. Golf carts are “motor vehicles” and as such are subject to the State requirement that operators have a valid drivers’ license. Thus, no one under 16 years of age who does not have a valid drivers’ license is legally able to drive a golf cart. Your personal insurance will probably not cover accidents by unlicensed drivers. Also, abuse of golf cart privileges by a few families may negatively impact the ability of our residents to use carts for their intended purpose – to go to Club Walden and play golf. Your attention to this problem would be greatly appreciated.

    Furniture covers and tarpaulins used for winter store must be of Neutral Colors that blend with the adjacent building colors. Example: Blue is not a neutral color and does not blend with adjacent building colors.

    Any owner wishing to place a Digital Satellite System on his house or unit must submit an application to the Architectural Committee showing the location and installation plan for the DSS antenna. A plan view of the residence showing street location and neighboring dwellings is necessary. Photographs would be very helpful and are encouraged.The application will be judged on the location in reference to the neighbor’s visibility and the visibility to street traffic. It is the desire of the Committee that any such installation be as inconspicuous as possible. If the antenna can only provide satisfactory reception if installed in a location open to public view, screening of some sort must be proposed.


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